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Fiberboard, thickness 3.2, size 2745*1700


Fiberboard sheets are high-density, high-strength and budget-friendly. The thin sheets bend perfectly and can be used for lining curved surfaces. The fibreboard is used in construction, as lining material in frame house-building, for levelling floors and walls. The fiberboard is also used to construct partitions in railway passenger cars. Low-density fiberboard is used as soundproofing material. Chaotic arrangement of wood fibres means that sound is "trapped" in the material. This is the most inexpensive and easy to install type of soundproofing materials. There are more effective sound-proofing materials, but you're unlikely to find materials cheaper than that. Some types of fibreboards can be used as finishing materials - for wall finishing in normal-humidity rooms. For these purposes, the fiberboard with front surface painted, filmed or laminated is used.

Некоторые виды древесно-волокнистых плит могут использоваться как отделочные материалы — для отделки стен в помещениях нормальной влажности. Для этих целей применяют ДВП, одна из сторон листа которой покрашена, покрыта декоративной пленкой, заламинирована.


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